Novitec Rosso是少數專攻Ferrari改裝而成功奠定品牌形象的改裝廠,原本專攻義大利Alfa Romeo及Fiat改裝的德國改裝廠Novitec,在2003年決定一舉跨入Ferrari的改裝領域,並以雙機械增壓系統的F360而打開知名度,而這套雙增壓系統在經過持續改良並隨著430車系的推出,在限量性能版430 Scuderia身上達到一個極致,其推出的Edizione 747在雙機械增壓系統的推動下,可輸出高達747匹的最大馬力,也造就出0~100km/h加速3.4秒以內,甚至是0~300km/h只需22.9秒與極速351km/h的驚人紀錄。此外,該廠在近期也將觸角伸及599 GTB Fiorano,雙機械增壓所造就的848匹最大馬力,讓它亦僅需3.4秒就可完成0~100km/h加速、甚至是0~300km/h加速也只要23.7秒。

裝上雙機械增壓的Novitec Rosso 848 Race可輸出最高達848匹的最大馬力,僅需3.4秒就可完成0~100km/h加速。

Novitec Rosso旗下最強的Ferrari改裝車就是這部Edizione 747,具備747匹最大馬力,0~100km/h加速不到3.4秒,極速更高達351km/h。

Novitec Rosso的歷史:

Novitec 成立於1989年,是一家德國的改裝公司,一開始在德國司徒加特地區(Stuttgart) 開始營業,並著重於義大利車的改裝 ,對於大馬力引擎的改裝特別有其專注之處。在經過一段時間後,由於業務的擴展,於是將總部移至史戴頓(Stetten),將研發部門,倉儲部門,展示間,改裝部門結合一起,讓企業更有競爭力。

Novitec Rosso是少數專攻Ferrari改裝而成功奠定品牌形象的改裝廠,原本專攻義大利Alfa Romeo及Fiat改裝的德國改裝廠Novitec,在2003年決定一舉跨入Ferrari的改裝領域,成立Novitec Rosso只專注於法拉利 / 瑪莎拉蒂的系列改裝, 並以雙機械增壓系統的F360而打開知名度。

而這套雙增壓系統在經過持續改良並隨著430車系的推出,在限量性能版430 Scuderia身上達到一個極致!!未來Novitec Rosso將往車輛製造商邁進!!


The success story that is Novitec Automobile GmbH began in 1989 from the vision of Stuttgart based Wolfgang Hagedorn.

With foresight and creativity, he rapidly elevated Novitec to one of the most prosperous and respected companies in the sector.

From the very beginning Novitec focused on the art of refining Italian sport cars.

Since then, the core of the Novitec program has been extremely powerful and reliable engines.

Particularly in the 90's, the Novitec Turbo and compressor engines for Alfa Romeo attracted a high level of interest.

Following on from the successful achievements with the core Italian sports cars, the first bi-compressor for the Ferrari F360 Modena was presented in 2003 and instantly won praise from professional circles.

The Novitec Rosso bi-compressor engines for the current Ferrari models are well respected due to the highest quality workmanship and technology and hence have an excellent reputation globally.

The best possible production quality, functionality and leading design are the unmistakable characteristics of each component of the exclusive Novitec Rosso program for Ferrari and Maserati sport cars.

The highly trained and committed Novitec-staff headquartered in Stetten, Germany is dedicated to fulfilling new challenges and looking after needs of Novitec Rosso clients and partners worldwide.

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